Nên dùng Schema Inspector để biết được kích thước của từng bảng trong CSDL. Sau đó chạy mysqldump riêng rẽ dump ra từng bảng, pipe output qua nén gzip để giảm thiểu kích thước.
mysqldump -u <username> -p <database_name> <target_table> | gzip > ~/<target_table.gzip>
Dump tất cả các bảng ngoại trừ một số bảng:
mysqldump -u <username> -p <database_name> --ignore-table=<db_name.table_name> --ignore-table=<db_name.other_table_name> ... | gzip > ~/remaining_tables.gzip
Tham khảo thêm: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/425158/skip-certain-tables-with-mysqldump
Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 5, 2019
Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 5, 2019
Speak English Professionally: -ed and -s endings
Sounds with vocal chord vibration are voiced and sounds without vocal chord vibration are voiceless.
Contrast the sounds of the letters v and f. Place your fingers on your throat and make the sounds. You should feel a vibration when you make the v sound and no vibration when you make the f sound. V is voiced and f is voiceless.
- The Voiced Sounds in English
- The Voiceless Sounds in English
Ref: eflnet.com
- /id/ after /t/ or /d/
- /t/ after voiceless sounds
- /d/ after voiced sounds
- /s/ after voiceless sounds (except /s/, /ʃ/, /ʧ/)
- /z/ after voiced sounds (except /z/, /ʒ/, /ʤ/)
- /iz/
Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 5, 2019
Speak English Professionally: Group Discussion Language (agree/disagree, clarify, interrupt/take a turn, include others)
Ways to agree:
- Yes, I agree.
- It looks good to me.
- I think so, too.
- I definitely agree.
Ways to disagree:
We want show different levels of disagreement (positive, little or very serious).
- I'm afraid I don't agree.
- I'm sorry, but I don't agree.
- That's interesting. But I'd prefer something different.
- Actually, I disagree.
Ways to clarify info:
Sometimes you missed the info or you didn't really understand or didn't hear clearly... So you can ask to clarify the information.
- Excuse me, I didn't hear that. Could you say it again?
- Sorry, I missed what you just said. Could you repeat that please?
- I'm sorry, could you explain that again?
- Excuse me, could you tell me what that means?
- Excuse me. Can I say something here?
- Could I interrupt you for a minute?
- Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to say something here.
- So what do you think?
- Can you give me your thoughts on this?
- Do you agree?
- What's your opinion?
We can mix these above languages and use it for your better group discussions.
Reference: Cousera
Speak English Professionally: Pronuncation
Word stress:
1. Can I borrow a pen? (2 beats)
2. I’m going to the bank. (2 beats)
3. Tell her I’ll be late. (2 beats)
4. Let’s go to a movie. (3 beats)
5. The pizza party is today. (3 beats)
6. Thanks for the birthday gift. (3 beats)
7. John studied for hours. (3 beats)
8. John studied four hours. (4 beats)
9. The key to the door is there. (3 beats)
10. I’m leaving on Monday for my country. (3 beats)
INTONATION (Ngữ điệu, rhythm)
Are you going to take a trip next year?
Is your friend going to drive with us?
Will the homework assignment take a lot of time?
Can the consulate help you with your visa problem?
Could you please give me your cell phone number?
Would you like a piece of pie?
Have you paid your rent this month?
Will you be able to go to the game with us?
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
I’m planning a vacation in Florida.
My friend is going to drive to New York with us.
The homework assignment won’t take much time.
The weather in my country is hot and humid.
My family hasn’t done much traveling.
Why do you want my phone number?
Where should I go for help with my visa problem?
What kind of desserts do you have?
Who are you going to the football game with?
When do you have to pay your rent?
How much will I pay for a good used car?
Reference: Coursera
Word stress:
- Every word has stress on a syllable.
- Pronounce louder, longer on the stressed syllable.
- pronounce (/prəˈnaʊns/)
- answer (/ˈænsɚ/ )
- mirror (/ˈmirɚ/)
- confused (/kənˈfjuːzd/)
- piano (/piˈænoʊ/)
- finally (/ˈfaɪnl̟i/)
- garbage (/ˈgɑɚbɪʤ/)
- personality (/ˌpɚsəˈnæləti/)
- relationship (/rɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/)
- Japanese (/ˌʤæpəˈniːz/)
- computer (/kəmˈpjuːtɚ/)
- technique (/tɛkˈniːk/)
- refrigerator (/rɪˈfrɪʤəˌreɪtɚ/)
- attention (/əˈtɛnʃən/)
- unfortunately (/ˌʌnˈfoɚtʃənətli/)
- Stress (louder, longer, higher) on content words (words build the meaning for sentence): verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, Wh-words, negative words (no, can't, not).
- Do not stress "structure" words (softer, shorter, lower): prepositions, pronouns, articles, modals, auxiliaries (can, should, have, be).
1. Can I borrow a pen? (2 beats)
2. I’m going to the bank. (2 beats)
3. Tell her I’ll be late. (2 beats)
4. Let’s go to a movie. (3 beats)
5. The pizza party is today. (3 beats)
6. Thanks for the birthday gift. (3 beats)
7. John studied for hours. (3 beats)
8. John studied four hours. (4 beats)
9. The key to the door is there. (3 beats)
10. I’m leaving on Monday for my country. (3 beats)
INTONATION (Ngữ điệu, rhythm)
- Rises in Yes-No questions. Rises on the last word of the question.
Are you going to take a trip next year?
Is your friend going to drive with us?
Will the homework assignment take a lot of time?
Can the consulate help you with your visa problem?
Could you please give me your cell phone number?
Would you like a piece of pie?
Have you paid your rent this month?
Will you be able to go to the game with us?
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
- Rises and fall in statements and Wh-questions
I’m planning a vacation in Florida.
My friend is going to drive to New York with us.
The homework assignment won’t take much time.
The weather in my country is hot and humid.
My family hasn’t done much traveling.
Why do you want my phone number?
Where should I go for help with my visa problem?
What kind of desserts do you have?
Who are you going to the football game with?
When do you have to pay your rent?
How much will I pay for a good used car?
Reference: Coursera
Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 5, 2019
Phân biệt thẻ nhớ SD, SDHC, SDXC
Sự khác biệt đơn giản là ở dung lượng lưu trữ mà thẻ được gắn nhãn có thể hỗ trợ.
SD: 128MB - 2GB.
SDHC (SD High Capacity): 4GB - 32GB.
SDXC (SD eXtended Capacity): 64GB - 2TB.
Trên các thiết bị điện thoại, camera sẽ có đặc tả kĩ thuật hoặc logo in SD, SDHC, hay SDXC nhằm chỉ báo thiết bị đó hỗ trợ thẻ nhớ dung lượng tối đa là bao nhiêu.
SD: 128MB - 2GB.
SDHC (SD High Capacity): 4GB - 32GB.
SDXC (SD eXtended Capacity): 64GB - 2TB.
Trên các thiết bị điện thoại, camera sẽ có đặc tả kĩ thuật hoặc logo in SD, SDHC, hay SDXC nhằm chỉ báo thiết bị đó hỗ trợ thẻ nhớ dung lượng tối đa là bao nhiêu.
Cài đặt Google Play Store cho Amazon Kindle Fire
Các dòng Amazon Kindle Fire gần đây sẽ dùng Fire OS 6 ~ tương đương Android 7.1.
Việc cần làm là tìm các file APK cần thiết để cài Play Store phù hợp với Android 7.1.
Cụ thể:
- Minium version: miễn là nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng 7.1.
- Architecture: arm hoặc noarch hoặc universal.
Theo thứ tự, tải và cài đặt lần lượt các file APK sau.
Dùng cáp USB để copy file APK vào Kindle Fire hoặc upload vào Amazon Cloud Drive và dùng ứng dụng Documents trong máy để mở chúng. Nhưng trước tiên phải mở cho phép cài đặt các ứng dụng ngoài (Settings).
Mở Play Store, đăng nhập và nó sẽ tự nhắc cập nhật các dịch vụ liên quan nếu cần thiết.
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Ways to agree: Yes, I agree . It looks good to me. I think so , too. I definitely agree. Ways to disagree: We want show diffe...
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